[Multi] Samurai Shodown V

    • [Multi] Samurai Shodown V

      Der ominöse fünfte Teil der Samurai Shodown Serie:

      Quelle: samurai-zero.jp

      Was hat das zu bedeuten??
      Kommt ein Vorteil von SamSho 1 heraus!! (REzero like)

      Und von wo könnte man Yuki Enterprises kennen??
      Was haben die mit SNK playmore zu schaffen??

      Kann mal jemand die japanischen Sprachzeichen übersetzen?

      Was meint ihr?
      [A FINAL FAREWELL] (©SNK Playmore)
      "To all of our customers who have purchased NEOGEO ROM cartridges up till now, thank you very much. We offer our most heartfelt gratitude for your loyal patronage over these 14 full years and hope for your continued support for our games on the many other platforms we will provide products for in the future. NEOGEO fans rule!"

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Shiro ()

    • Hier ist jetzt auch die Übersetzung:

      "finally after 7 years samurai spirits will make its return."

      "2-d sword battle, samurai spirits!!"

      "we hope you are looking forward to it!"

      "detailed information will be revealed to the public in the september edition of arcadia (monthly) out on the 30th of this month (july)"

      Geil, mal schaun was in der Arcadia drinne steht...

      PS: Die Leute von Yuki scheinen das ehemalige Last Blade Team zu sein!! Na, wenn das mal keine gute Nachricht ist...
      [A FINAL FAREWELL] (©SNK Playmore)
      "To all of our customers who have purchased NEOGEO ROM cartridges up till now, thank you very much. We offer our most heartfelt gratitude for your loyal patronage over these 14 full years and hope for your continued support for our games on the many other platforms we will provide products for in the future. NEOGEO fans rule!"

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Shiro ()

    • Ich hab hier noch was über die Entwickler:

      [A FINAL FAREWELL] (©SNK Playmore)
      "To all of our customers who have purchased NEOGEO ROM cartridges up till now, thank you very much. We offer our most heartfelt gratitude for your loyal patronage over these 14 full years and hope for your continued support for our games on the many other platforms we will provide products for in the future. NEOGEO fans rule!"
    • RE: Samurai Shodown Zero

      Original von Moskovskaya
      Original von Shiro
      Der ominöse fünfte Teil der Samurai Shodown Serie:

      Es ist schon der 8. Teil, bin mal gespannt, ob es ein Wiedersehen mit Asra, Hanma, Morosumi und Shiki gibt. Shiki gibt es ja schon als 2D-Sprite.

      Na gut, dann der ominöse 5 2D SamSho Teil!!! :D
      Ja, Shiki währ echt cool!! Bloß, würde sie Storytechnisch vor den ersten passen?? :???:
      [A FINAL FAREWELL] (©SNK Playmore)
      "To all of our customers who have purchased NEOGEO ROM cartridges up till now, thank you very much. We offer our most heartfelt gratitude for your loyal patronage over these 14 full years and hope for your continued support for our games on the many other platforms we will provide products for in the future. NEOGEO fans rule!"
    • RE: Samurai Shodown Zero

      Original von Shiro
      Original von Moskovskaya
      Original von Shiro
      Der ominöse fünfte Teil der Samurai Shodown Serie:

      Es ist schon der 8. Teil, bin mal gespannt, ob es ein Wiedersehen mit Asra, Hanma, Morosumi und Shiki gibt. Shiki gibt es ja schon als 2D-Sprite.

      Na gut, dann der ominöse 5 2D SamSho Teil!!! :D
      Ja, Shiki währ echt cool!! Bloß, würde sie Storytechnisch vor den ersten passen?? :???:

      Okay, dann ist es der 5. 2D-Teil obwohl ich es schade finde, dass die Hyper-Games immer vergessen werden, obwohl sie eindeutig ihre Qualitäten haben.

      Zur Story, naja man kann nie wissen, wenn Ukyo und Haohmaru in Zero vorkommen, ist es ja auch nicht völlig ausgeschlossen, das auch Charas aus den Nachfolgern in irgendeiner Form darin vorkommen, ich glaube schon, dass der Shiki Sprite bloss nicht für nur ein Spiel verwendet wird...
      What is a MAN!? A miserable little pile of secrets!


      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Moskovskaya ()

    • Neuigkeiten zu Samurai Shodwon Zero:


      Tam Tam


      Are the returning characters. This time there is to "shura" (slash) or "rasetsu" (bust). Rera = Nakoruru (rasetsu), Rasetsumaru = Haohmaru (rasetsu), Suija, Enja = Sougetsu, Kagetsu (rasetsu) respectively.

      Yoshitora Tokugawa

      Has 3 or 4 swords on his back.
      His buki-hakai (super) finishes with the crest of the Tokugawa family.

      Kusare Gedou (rough trans: dirty bastard and yes, that's his name)

      Seems to be a rather large character.

      Mina Majikina

      Archer. From the names of the moves, she seems to be a Ryuukyuu warrior.


      Uses a Chinese sword. Perhaps related to Wang-Fu?

      NG Forum:
      -ss0 has at least 24 characters.
      -at least ten are new or new sprites with bust movesets (some exactly the same like suija a sogetsu clone with new sprite/stance and armbands as weapons or evil hao (who looks fucking mad!!) who has his bust movelist slightly modified and a completely new sprite that looks hell cool.
      -there might actually be one bg for each character. some are new, some are ss3, some ss4 and some remakes of ss2.
      -new characters are a kung fu/kungfu sword chinese guy (old) he even has a cool hongkong movie style fly move [Smile]
      -a girl with a bow who is the 4th silhouette.
      -a huge deformed ogre thing which looks sorta tamtamish but about 1000x weirder.
      -an evil nakoruru with a new sprite + new normals, she is with the wolf.
      -rimururu is completely redrawn but seems to have the same moves.
      -the new main char it would seem is a guy with about 4 swords strapped to his back that sorta reminds me of amano
      -the kazuki clone/with new sprite and armbands as well
      -returning chars are tamtam, charlotte, basara, kyoshiro, jubei, rimururu, hao, ukyo, nakoruru, genjuro, hanzo, shizumaru, kazuki, soggy, galford and gaira.
      -new button layout and systems. there are three bars life (only one bar long, has a marker on it that indicates some line, dont know why can be blue red and yellow not sure why), underneath life is a green bar which seems to be a guardblock bar, not sure though. and at the bottom the rage/super bar.
      -a = light, b= med, a+b=hvy, c =kick, d = wtf can do a hop with d, forward and back roll with d, maybe taunt, is also used for supers (c+d, universal motion of a fb)
      -music seems to be rehashed ss2/3/4
      -same throw sys as 4 (the push)
      -damage is way off, this game seems a bit fucked for it.... i fought kyoushiro and i shit you not i was left with 5% after he did the frog tongue grab THREE TIMES, only 3 times = almost dead....

      Hört sich doch verdammt geil an!! :nice:
      Scheint wirklich schon fast fertig programmiert zu sein.
      [A FINAL FAREWELL] (©SNK Playmore)
      "To all of our customers who have purchased NEOGEO ROM cartridges up till now, thank you very much. We offer our most heartfelt gratitude for your loyal patronage over these 14 full years and hope for your continued support for our games on the many other platforms we will provide products for in the future. NEOGEO fans rule!"
    • the-magicbox.com/game072603e.htm

      Da gibt die ersten Pics zu Samurai Shodown Zero!
      Unbedingt anschauen!! Das Spiel wird der Hammer!! :F
      [A FINAL FAREWELL] (©SNK Playmore)
      "To all of our customers who have purchased NEOGEO ROM cartridges up till now, thank you very much. We offer our most heartfelt gratitude for your loyal patronage over these 14 full years and hope for your continued support for our games on the many other platforms we will provide products for in the future. NEOGEO fans rule!"
    • Hier ist noch ein Link zu den gescannten Seiten der Arcadia, wo SSZ offiziell vorgestellt wurde:

      nichts für 56K ^^
      [A FINAL FAREWELL] (©SNK Playmore)
      "To all of our customers who have purchased NEOGEO ROM cartridges up till now, thank you very much. We offer our most heartfelt gratitude for your loyal patronage over these 14 full years and hope for your continued support for our games on the many other platforms we will provide products for in the future. NEOGEO fans rule!"
    • [A FINAL FAREWELL] (©SNK Playmore)
      "To all of our customers who have purchased NEOGEO ROM cartridges up till now, thank you very much. We offer our most heartfelt gratitude for your loyal patronage over these 14 full years and hope for your continued support for our games on the many other platforms we will provide products for in the future. NEOGEO fans rule!"
    • So, die Page wurde wieder geupdated und zeigt jetzt schon die ersten Charakter rooster und die Story.
      Schaut mal rein, es lohnt sich...
      Yoshitora sieht super cool aus... :crush:

      PS: Es werden wohl insgesamt 24 Charakter werden...
      [A FINAL FAREWELL] (©SNK Playmore)
      "To all of our customers who have purchased NEOGEO ROM cartridges up till now, thank you very much. We offer our most heartfelt gratitude for your loyal patronage over these 14 full years and hope for your continued support for our games on the many other platforms we will provide products for in the future. NEOGEO fans rule!"

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Shiro ()

    • taken from a post by Trieu on s-c.com

      "Samurai Shodown V is licensec by Yuki Enterprise, which is formed by some ex-SNK employees who did some work on previous Samurai Shodown games, hence the gameplay and feel of the game remains intact. Official U.S. launch date for the MVS format, not Jamma is September 29, 2003. "

      states its also called 5 not 0.

      great news for mvs collectors.
    • Ich hab hier auch noch was:
      Youhou! They updated everyone AND they all have a scenario! Great!
      So.. Nakoruru searchs her father (who should not be dead, I think he was in her background in a past game... or was it her grandfather?)
      Rimururu changes her seiyu for the 4th time (and she runs after her sister who has work to do and doesn't have time for babysitting, goddammit)...
      Unpi (well, Yunfei) is over 1000 years old (and unfortunately, his wife wasn't... aha!)
      Rera is not played by Nakoruru's VA (Ikoma Akemi, who still plays the original Nako) and she's awaken after Nakoruru gets kicked by a bear (and Rera comes and says "we mustn't die now, we have stuffs to do, let me handle this", she takes Nako (well, her) body and kicks ass. Nothing about her stupid wolf.
      Rasetsumaru isn't played by the VA of Haomaru, and wants to kill Haomaru (either he's a completely different person or he doesn't know he is Haomaru.) His bloodtype is 'makai A', as for Enja and Suija, 'makai AB' and 'B'
      Sôgetsu and Kazuki have to escort Hazuki to Hinowano kuni (to awake her to her true strength?)
      Enja and Suija (who are not played by the same VA as Kazuki and Sôgetsu) are demons that free themselves from their seals near the kazama village and nearly (totally?) destroy it not long after Kazuki and co left. Someone says something about 'not letting them get near hinowanokuni' before getting grilled. They both want to get a magic there wich should, I think, allow them to fusion with a human (aha!) (And I guess we have the explanation for Gaô's second form)
      Galford's father was called... Washington?
      Shizumaru wa kodomo dakara shota ha nannanoka wakaranaishi, he leaves the people who adopted him (he's still, or already, amnesiac) to Hinowa for he heard he could easily find a job there because he thinks the people who adopted him will have a better life without him.
      Jubei is a dirty oyaji who loves young girls
      Basara barely remember chasing Amakusa and a demon, and he don't remember what happened next. Then, he follows Kagaribi without asking questions (how convenient).
      Gaira scares children (and Kusaregedôsama eats them)
      Charlotte Christine de Corte has a funny name, hates rats and sings opera like every french woman.
      Tamtam gets his ass severely kicked by Gaô.

      Quelle: MMCafé

      Ist so ungefähr der Inhalt der Charakter Beschreibungen...
      [A FINAL FAREWELL] (©SNK Playmore)
      "To all of our customers who have purchased NEOGEO ROM cartridges up till now, thank you very much. We offer our most heartfelt gratitude for your loyal patronage over these 14 full years and hope for your continued support for our games on the many other platforms we will provide products for in the future. NEOGEO fans rule!"
    • Das komplett Charakter Set: :sven:

      Yoshitora (zweiter von oben rechts) find ich jetzt schon am coolsten!! :D
      Altmeister Genjiro steht der neue look aber auch gut... :rolleyes:
      [A FINAL FAREWELL] (©SNK Playmore)
      "To all of our customers who have purchased NEOGEO ROM cartridges up till now, thank you very much. We offer our most heartfelt gratitude for your loyal patronage over these 14 full years and hope for your continued support for our games on the many other platforms we will provide products for in the future. NEOGEO fans rule!"

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Shiro ()